Thursday, November 30, 2017

Final Blog Post

Pixabay under CC0 Creative Commons
Going into this class, I would’ve never expected to have come out liking it as much as I do now. To be completely honest, the idea of having to make a weekly blog was one that I found very intimidating after I was first introduced to it. I have never considered myself to be too much of an open person, so having to consistently share my own writing publicly was definitely a new experience for me. However, throughout the semester I found myself pleasantly surprised by how much progressively easier it became to produce these weekly blogs. Two of my favorite blogs that I made were “Reddit - Community and Collaboration” and “Fair Use Should NOT be Ignored,” as they both revolved around topics that I felt I had the most personal connection towards based on my interests outside of class. One of my favorite replies that I made was on Josh’s Blog which revolved around Reddit where I discussed a differing opinion that I held in regards to his take on the topic. Another reply that I liked was the one that I left on Khalil’s Blog, as I felt I was able to provide a good answer to one of the questions that he brought up.

Not only was I able to step out of my comfort zone through my own writing process, but also through the many collaborative efforts that I was required to make during my time in this course. It was honestly fun to hear out others ideas and contribute alongside them, something that I would usually tend to avoid in the past. Two of my classmate's that I felt influenced me this semester were Hannah and Ryan. Not only did I find collaborating with them as a group to be enjoyable, but I also genuinely believe that they both did a terrific job at writing concisely and in a way that made me feel interested in what they were saying. Being a fan of movies, I can say that I also appreciated how Ryan was able to cleverly relate so many of our class topics to different films that I'm familiar with. Overall though, I would have to give my vote to Hannah for the best blog, as her’s were consistently structured in a professional manner with written content that was able to convey a deep understanding towards the topics she discussed.

Thanks to all who took the time to read this post and my other blogs throughout this semester. I hope you were able to enjoy them as much as I enjoyed reading yours!


  1. I agree that over the course of this semester I was able to put my writing skills into effect, as this course required quite a bit of writing. I have never blogged before on a personal level or in class exercises so I agree that this was a new experience and took some getting use to as I developed my blog over the course of the semester. I agree that the process became easier as the semester developed and we had already produced quite a few blogs. Great job on your post and I wish you the best of luck in your final semesters at the U of A.

  2. I appreciated that you addressed the fact you were completely comfortable with the blog posts at first. I have been following your blog and your published content reflects all of the confidence you gain over the semester. I was surprised that my blog was able to influence you, but then realized your’s definitely influenced mine too, which I talked about in my last post! So happy we were able to collaborate throughout the semester in our group work!

  3. great job, I really enjoyed this post i do as well like the blog post it really sparks m interest in future blogging. I as well I'm not an open person but this blog post has made me realize my true talent for blogging and expressing myself to the internet. I think this blogging thing was a little weird at first just because i had never done this thing before but now i think it ws a good thing i tried.


Final Blog Post

Pixabay under CC0 Creative Commons Going into this class, I would’ve never expected to have come out liking it as much as I do now. To...