Thursday, August 31, 2017

Working in Groups

Throughout my life, I have found myself being a participant in what I now realize has been a variety of categorized forms of groups. This has primarily been during my past and current years of schooling, as a majority of classes from high school and up have required me to collaborate with a group of peers on several occasions. Just in this last week alone, I have participated in multiple group efforts both in this very course, as well as a handful of my other classes. Despite this, not all of said groups have necessarily been of the same kind, at least according to our reading which discussed how groups can be distinct based on varying factors. For instance, the groups I participated in within this class could be classified as “planned groups,” as they were formed by myself and other fellow members of our groups in order to accomplish a goal that was given to us by our instructor. On the other hand, my instructor for one of my other classes, rather than allowing us to group up on our own, decided to place us into groups based on her own random selection. Because this method was carried out, it would instead be considered a “concocted group,” due to an outside authority deciding our groups for us. Though different in how they were organized, both of these group examples had a common goal in encouraging cooperation, which in itself has proven beneficial to students in a learning environment. This video can serve to better elaborate on why group work is implemented into classes and what students can gain from it.

By Karabo (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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Final Blog Post

Pixabay under CC0 Creative Commons Going into this class, I would’ve never expected to have come out liking it as much as I do now. To...