Last week’s reading discussed how, in recent history, humans have been able to create what is known as artificial intelligence, or A.I. for short, through the implementation of various algorithms. These algorithms are made up of several intricate instructions that much of our modern-day technology is built with the intention of following. However, as said algorithms begin to grow in their capabilities and overall complexity, more and more people have begun to fear the potential outcomes that could arise from this ever-advancing artificial intelligence. Even renowned scientific figures such as Stephen Hawking have become weary of A.I. advancements that are expected to come in the near future. As their limitations become increasingly refined, many are left wondering how soon we can expect to see A.I.s that exceed the capabilities of their human creators. We have already witnessed basic machinery replacing a multitude of jobs previously undergone by humans; therefore, it is not too unreasonable to fear that the same might happen, but to a greater extent.
Source: Flickr By Global Panorama |